The 48 laws of power which is written by American Author- Robert Greene. The 48 laws of power was his first book that played an important role in his writing career because at this book Greene had to face many controversies still Greene stuck on his idea some perceive them as problematic and manipulative. The 48 laws of power is to understand those 48 ways how we can use our power and how we can increase it ever more these laws are made of those action, thoughts and tactics than can be used in playing power game. Author understand well and explain that how power makes your work potential and business effective. This book among caproate leader and highly recommended. In this summary we will understand all 48 laws of Greene and how to gain and maintain power. This summary is a little different because we have understand all 48 laws and we have tried than you gat an overall massage form this small lessons. These laws teach you to see the world in the different way.
LAW NO – 1
The Law of infection
Avoid unhappy and unlucky people
This law tells us that we should ignore those people who are always unhappy and we should live among a happy or fortunate people because by doing this we will increase our happiness or success. If we keep ourselves with unhappy and unlucky surrounded by people then instead of changing them, we become like them. It is very easy to trouble ourselves with the problems of others, that is why we should stay away from those people who are always unhappy or consider themselves unlucky. We have learned from history that as long as if a person does not want to help ourselves, no one can help them. The person who is sad is defeated in himself, no one can help him don’t help them unless they want to help their self. Don’t let yourself be surrounded by such people, Make yourself emotionless.
LAW NO – 2
Make people depend on you
When we depend on a person for something, we obey them and cannot refuse them for anything. The 2nd law of power is about making relation with those who are dependent on you because needed a wanted is the way to maintain your power and independence. If other are very independent and they don’t need your advice or help than they will themselves become very powerful. Don’t teach everything to those people who work with you and also don’t give them a chance to do everything. they must always need you for something. Leave something with the person that they will be connected to you and always depend on you.
Appeal To People Self-interest
This Law shows us the world is selfish, they see their selfishness first. Here everyone is associated with some selfishness, selfishness is not always negative, but it is. As long as you do not show them their selfishness, they will not help you. Its for sure that sometimes you may need to ask for a help whenever you do this then don’t take support of your good actions. give in the temptation to use your own assistance. rather after something in it for them they will agree much more likely. even if there are no real benefits to them actually but spin your request in a way that they see their benefits.
LAW NO – 4
Enter Action with Boldness
The 4th Law of power Enter action with boldness this has always emphasized on being intentional and confident don’t start anything if you are not sure. If you are getting down to do some work, then put all the energy, full life force, otherwise do not do your sanction and hesitation can spoil the whole work. The best way to get the power law on yourself is to master one thing and do that work better. Boldness will give you lot of power.
LAW NO – 5
Concentration On the Forces: – Intensity defeats extensity, this what you have to keep in your mind. when you find a source of power don’t let it go and keep following it don’t go to any other source. It is better to dig such a deep pit at one place than to dig a pit at ten places that the water never stops coming from there, that is, working so focused on one thing for your success for your power that your success in that thing is confirmed. In today’s time, a person knows everything, he wants to do everything, due to which he does not do anything, a sensible person says that I know everything, but I choose this which I can master in that field, always put your arrow to one side so that your target will never be missed.
LAW NO – 6
Win Through Your Actions – And Not Through Your Arguments: – Even a moment of victory by an argument is useless Greene believes that in order to win the trust of other and make them be on your side you should use not yours words but your action. Arguing is not the right way to use your power. For a while, you may feel that this victory is yours, often this victory is completely lost, if you have achieved this victory only on the basis of a debate, then by doing so, we become our enemies. Do not waste your energy power behind such people by arguing even now, just focus on what you want to do, then you There will be no need to say anything to anyone, your action will be shouting. You should know to impress others just by your action.
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LAW NO – 7
Never Outshine Your Master: – Greene’s law explain that be it a business, work or an organization your superior in the post in better than you. It’s important to remember that you work under them and remind the same to them also. its very easy to show your skill and talent but keep in your mind that by doing this you don’t make your senior feel inferior, Greene believes that if you make your serious feel this that they are better than you and then they think they are than by doing this you will get strength to move forward if you make them feel that they start to doubt their role and power then it will cause loss to you and you will stay behind.
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LAW NO – 8
Never Put Too Much Trust in Your Friends – Learn How To Use Enemies: – Author warns to not trust your friends especially best friends beyond a limit. He says that your friend easily gets jealous of you and you can betray you with an opportunity. Greene believes that your old enemies can be more useful than your friends this is because your enemies have to prove a lot. you may have often see that much people work hard to win you respect and trust therefore they become better colleagues and employee. If there is an enemy, an old enemy, then go and befriend him because he will put all his energy in proving himself that now he has become a good person, the friend never tells our shortcomings, due to which we are not able to move forward because we do not recognize our mistake. We should fear more our friends not our enemies. (140 words 761 characters)
LAW NO – 9
Conceal Your Intentions – Keep People In The Dark: – “Your clever lies in how cleverly you hide your cleverness” we should not express our intention to others although your action depict your intentions still don’t let them know. keep people in the dark means that they won’t be able to prepare themselves and wont bs prepared on right time to respond. Greene advice that give wrong information and show them that you are moving in some wrong direction so that they get entangled in that only and by the time they will know you intention it will be too late and they don’t be able to do anything. (99 words 543 characters)
LAW NO – 10
Play A Sucker To Catch A Sucker: – No person wants you to look more intelligent in front of him, so you should be stupid in front of them and then when the result comes out, he will be shocked that I thought him stupid and he became to forward. As much as a sensible person runs away from a foolish person, a foolish person runs away from a sensible person. Everyone knows that we all want feel intelligent. If you done or said anything stupid then, then nothing can be worse than this feeling, Greene encourage you to be smart for your decision think about your enemies and make them believes that they are very smarter than you. If you do this then it will create a false confidence in them and they will never be able to suspect you.
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Keep Your Hands Clean: – you should appear as a well-respected and well-behaved citizen never let it be felt that you have dirty hands in corruption and tricks your appearance is necessary for your power and you should with hold your reputation. Sometimes you must use a piece to your advantage to keep your image intact. Greene’s advice that let others be blamed for those bad actions and never get your hands dirty publicly. (77 words 404 characters)
LAW NO – 12
Always Say Less Than Necessary: – People are the most afraid of silence in the world, never try to fill the silence in the middle of talking to someone. Never speak more than necessary speak as little as possible. Greene’s believes that by speaking more you give a chance your criticism and interrogation and something unwanted may be spoken powerful people speak less and often speak thing with an open end. The more you speak, the more common you will look, if your words are too few, too limited, then people will never understand your next move and you look more intelligent in front of everyone. This can be both dangerous and effective.
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LAW NO – 13
Use Surrender Tactic – Transforming Weakness Into Power: – Sometimes you should bow down to your enemy to get your work done. If you are weaker side, you will always be tempted to fight, be it just to satisfy your ego Greene’s advises to surrender in such situation. this gives you time to recover yourself and this time its expected that your enemy power will cease and they will be irritated at the time passing before they rise up and defeat you be bigger and step away from there. this is a move that most people won’t understand and it will be in your favor. (97 words 505 characters)
LAW NO – 14
Know Who You Are Dealing With – Don’t Offend The Wrong Person: – As it is earlier said that its necessary to understand your associate colleagues and enemies. This information will give you power, everyone different and you can’t use that same approach for everyone. there is no approach that will work on everyone. Greene warns to stay away from those who try to take revenge after they are cheated unless they are satisfied, they are not those who you should fight with before taking any action keep in mind who you are going to face. Whenever you meet a sword, only then the sword comes out, whenever you meet a poet, recite a poem, if you go to give any of your knowledge to a foolish person, then he will fool you. these people of your life whom you should never look at- The egoist person, The doubtful person, strong memorable person, insecure person, fool person. (145 words 809 characters)
LAW NO – 15
Create Compelling Specially: – Your appearance is everything you should make your surrounding and your appearance better wit imagery grand statement and big gestures attract people by showing big picture. these spectacles will also distract from your real intentions. People don’t want to hear the truth, they never like the truth, they always want to live in a fantasy world, whenever needed, you also see people what they want to see. People but with their emotion and justify with their logic. (77 words 648 characters)
Despise Free Lunch: – “There is no more expensive thing than a free gift” anything worth having is worth paying for and anything free is not worth keeping anything free has hidden task or hidden trick. If you keep in mind that you pay for everything than you become self confident and also avoid any sort or Froud you should pay for anything free without any bargaining. Because most of the free things that are free, there is some trick or motive hidden in it being generous and self-confident on your wealth should your power.
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LAW NO – 17
Stir Up The Water To Catch The Fish: – Always try to stay calm. If you can keep your psyche, your emotions, in your control in any bad situation in any situation, and you can trigger the emotions of the other person, keep them angry, keeping yourself calm, then the whole game will be in your favor. Anger destroys our ability to think, when you get angry, you look very stupid. He says that expressing anger and emotions can never get you desired result even if your enemy express anger you will have all the power if you move ahead calmly and will get the benefit. (105 words 566 characters)
LAW NO – 18
Do Not To Commit Anyone: – you should consider your independent as a strength not a weakness. do not fall into the common always stay strong for yourself and your goals. being independent will grant you power people will come after you will want to argue with you. this makes you a person who has all the power. (60 words 315 characters)
LAW NO -19
Crush Your Enemy Completely: – Leaving the enemy’s remains would be like leaving a spark in the fire, but later the same small thing becomes the cause of our intestine. This law is very straight forward make it very sure that your enemy completely annihilated you have to make sure that they are completely suppressed or they will stand up again and try to take revenge. You should avoid this danger of revenge once you start to suppress your enemy than don’t stop don’t give them a chance you retaliate. This is the power you give to your enemy when you give a second chance. Never take this kind of think. (111 words 607 characters)
LAW NO – 20
Discover Each Mans Thumscrew: – Everyone has some weakness its impossible to have no weakness the key to destroy an enemy is in finding hi weakness. Weakness can be found anywhere once you found someone weakness than use it for your own benefit.
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LAW NO – 21
Plan On The Way To The End: – plan any task form the beginning to the end. It important to consider the end goal early so that you have time to understand the problem to come with planning you will be ready to work better don’t enter anything unprepared always know the end goal and think some step-in advance. Don’t live like an unconscious manner. When) we make plans, we are able to see our entire career end tuck. (80 words 416 characters)
LAW NO – 22
Re-Create Yourself :- society will try to impose some expectation on you but you don’t have to accept them. You have the capability yourself you can be whatever you want don’t allow anyone to tell that who you are and how should you work. You should be a person who demand attention and has a strong and powerful character. (60 words 325 characters)
LAW NO – 23
Strike The Shepherd & The Sheep Will Scatter: – powerful and strong man will be arrogant and will face problem generally. They are sourcing a lot of distress allowing such people to impress you is dangerous and you may have to take to them. Its necessary to remove them don’t let other also go to them. Identify the real reason behind any problem in your life, so that you can eliminate the problem well. (75 words 405 characters)
LAW NO – 24
Avoid Stepping Into A Great Man Shoes:- Greene complain that having very rich parents can be difficult and becoming a person who is great and influential it’s important that you don’t fear their success not stuck in their shadows you have right to be successful and make your own identify to leave them behind you will have to be more successful than them you are capable of doing it and if you do it your power will increase by 10 times. Your achievements may be small, but they are your own. You must be the only sun in your solar system.
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LAW NO – 25
Be Royal In Your Own Fashion – Act Like A King To Be Treated Like One: – everyone might have heard that treat other like you want to be treated Greene has taken this further one step he says that work like you want to get the work done if you work with strength and self-confidence then people will respect you like a king if you are nervous and work silently in simple way than people won’t respect you much demand the respect for your work.
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LAW NO – 26
Do Not Build Fortresses To Protect Yourself – Isolation Is Dangerous: – Greene’s says that making a fortress and yourself feels good but in doing so you isolate yourself and isolating yourself is dangerous it means that the information that you have limited and is difficult to use this attracts attention on you and give a chance to other to attack you become an east target keep yourself surrounded by your allies and many friends. This way there will be many people between you and your enemy.(87 words 496 characters)
LAW NO – 27
Make People Come To You – Use Bait If Necessary: – you should take control in your hands by making other work you should become like a puppet master don’t go to people yourself make them come to you use bait if necessary once they show an interest than by using your influence and power you can take control in your hands card should always in your hands. When you make people work with you, your victory is confirmed. No one loves you but respects you.(85 words 450 characters)
LAW NO – 28
Make Your Accomplishment seems effortless: – No matter how much time, effort and hard work you have put in some tasks you want your result like they were natural and completed easily showing how much you can achieve by small efforts increase your power and when asked don’t tell how your reached there and or how you work don’t explain anything clearly and let people be impressed by your result don’t open your secrets.
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LAW NO – 29
Disarm And Infuriate With The Mirror Effect: – use the mirror effect as a tool for deception mirroring your enemies means reflecting then reality if you act like your enemies that they will be confused and won’t be able to know your intention on the other stand mirror effect is such a tool that can help you in mocking and humiliation your enemies. This way that can see themselves and their work where they often don’t pay attention it’s also way to seduce them. You are just like them and this way they will be easily impressed by you.
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LAW NO – 30
Play To People’s Fantasies: – truth can often be nasty negative and not very appealing therefore in some matters it’s a good option to avoid truth telling truth can lead to anger and distress so it’s better to present a false truth that’s better. Here you should know to play with people imagination think of what they want to here and tell them that only.
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LAW NO – 31
Master The Art Of Timing: – time is everything” Place and lost places can be reclaimed but past time cannot be taken” present yourself as patient and never be in hurry being in hurry show that you have lost the control and you can’t manage yourself and your time be a detective of right moment keep locking for right time this will give you strength unless the right time comes learn to stay quiet and strike fiercely when the right time comes.
LAW NO – 32
Keep Others In Suspended Terror:-human are salve to their habits and they also desire to peak into others actions your predictability gives them a sense of control turn the tables and get strange. Greene says that as a human we expect and the reason is that we like to predict the future. If you don’t let your intention, be predicable, they will be in a wonder. If you don’t know about your plans then they will fear you.
LAW NO – 33
Distain Things You Cannot Have – Ignoring Them Is A Best Revenge: – ignore any problem that you are faced with by ignoring it, it will strive for your attention and it will disappear slowly while if you pay attention on the problems it will grow larger. think at your enemies the same way rather than focusing on them and increasing their power its better to ignore them and let them strive for your attention.do this thing that you want to have but you don’t have. Don’t show any interest in it and this way you will be able to see a bigger and powerful person in yourself.
LAW NO – 34
Get Others To Play With The Cards – You Deal By Controlling: – while talking to people you want them to think that they have more options let them think they are in control while you are making law. If you can give an option with two benefits because your enemy will think he has taken the decision and this will be the reason for you to rule think like that you gave them an option to select the lesser of the evil.
LAW NO – 35
Think as You Like But behave Like Others: – if you protest against the time show your old thoughts and ways then people will think that you just want attention and want to insult them its good to blend in the crowd when you are surrounded by people understand their thinking and thoughts don’t express your reality unless your best friends are partners don’t understand you.
LAW NO – 36
Behave As A Friend But Work Like A Spy: – how necessary it is to understand your enemies you should know their strength and weaknesses. The best way for this is to pose as a spy learns to extract the information form people learn to ask right question at the right time If you don’t want them to know what are you doing then talk ambiguously any social interaction should be used as an opportunity for spying.
LAW NO – 37
Assume Formlessness: – Greene asks to remember that nothing is some forever and everything can change therefore you can’t show your plans you become weak by opening your plans and enemies get to know how to attack on you. Greene who can react on any result. He says that you can’t depend on the stability because nothing is statable you become more comfortable and by becoming more comfortable you weaken yourself.
LAW NO – 38
Use Selectivity Honesty And Generosity To Disarm Your Enemy: – you can’t do direct enmity with anyone in the game of power, by showing truth and honesty to a certain extent people drop their defense. One sincerer and honest move can hide many dishonest moves with open heart and truth you can bring down other people. By this Greene means that you can be dishonest for infinite times but opening by honesty for just once you can with the trust of others even when you are not honest. If you use your honesty right then people will believe you are trustworthy.
LAW NO – 39
Do Not Go Past The Mart You Aimed For In Victory – Learn When To stop: – This law is after tricky to overcome everyone loves the feeling of success and victory in such time it’s very necessary to stay one step ahead. As Greene has either said that its very important to know the full plan and the end goal. When you reach that goal them stoop taking things too far can make many enemies for you who will hinder your success. There is no other option of strategy and planning et a goal and stop when you reach there. Don’t get over attached with anything.
LAW NO – 40
Preach The Need To Change But Do Not Reform Too Much At Once: – change is very necessary for any success and important to remember that as a human we succussed on the basis at habits and routines ‘too much change can leave people unsure. If you have stepped in a new avatar then avoid the fast change respect on earlier change and accept the change slowly. This will make people give you more respect.
LAW NO – 41
Work On The Heart And Mind Of The People: – coercion and seduction has a fundamental difference coercion often work against you while seduction distract people without letting them know. If you seduce successfully, they will loyal to you. The best way to seduce is to know their weaknesses remember that everyone is different and you can seduce two people the same way. Remember what is important to them and what are afraid of seduction is the key while coercion only makes enemies.
LAW NO – 42
Get Others To Do The Work For You But Always Take The Credit: – This law says that work can be got done by others people Have many things as knowledge talent skill etc. to show. Greene says that we should take full advantage of others can also do by making work for you. You save your time and become more effective but remember its important that you take the credit at the work and make them aware that its all your effort and hard work.
LAW NO – 43
So Much Depends On Reputation Guard With Your Life :- we all know that reputation can make or break a person power of a man is based on his reputation. If you don’t have a big and strong reputation than you easily be played by people also give a chance to attack on yourself. Greene emphasize or strengthening your reputation. If you see a trouble in front of you then before it affects you face it learn your enemies weaknesses and do damage to their own reputation.
LAW NO – 44
Play On People Need To Believe – To Create A Cult Like Following: – everyone wants to feels associated with something and everyone believes that’s what they are associated with is bigger than themselves. People ways keep looking for a thing or a person so that they can make advantage at their need and wants to get such people promise plenty of hopes be enthusiastic and after new regimes for people to follow to lead people make them ready to make sacrifices. This way you can build trust and following.
LAW NO – 45
Court Attention All The Cost – how people see you is an important as your reputation. Greene says that you should not easily gel with others. Its in your hands how you show yourself different and how you catch the attention of people. If you need to do something big for this than surely, do it or to desired attention a suspense in your words.
LAW NO – 46
Never Appear To Perfect- “A man can hide behind his words but his body will shout his reality” most people think that they are constantly working for perception and never their in reality. Greene says that if you appear too weak or too perfect than you can put yourself in Danger envy is common and it cause people to act dangerously. If you appear perfect than you will have to face think envy while if you show your weakness, people come to you easily and trust you. Perfection can only be the attribute of God or the dead.
LAW NO – 47
Play The Perfect Counter – some people are successful only in the world where everything revolves around the power and political dexterity. They have mastered of the art of indirection. They use their power in the best manner.
These steps to lead this power law-
Don’t extra show off
Practice the sadness
Try to stay in the public eye
Be like water
Never share any bd news